My First Blog Post

As I begin the second phase of my life, I have had time to reflect on my life and believe I have a testimony and experiences worth sharing. With this personal safe space I have created for myself it will be my avenue to pull back the curtains of my life to provide answers to any questions you may have, but never asked.

There is no theme to my Blog; this is a place for me to mentally dump my thoughts, feelings, share useful information, provide motivation and encouragement to others, etc.

Writing has never been a strong skill for me because I write from an unfiltered heart. I ask that you excuse any grammatical errors, but I hope through this process my writing will improve.

I hope to inspire you, because truthfully you all inspire me!

[ete_vc_quote author=”— Robert Green Ingersoll”]A great man does not seek applause or place; he seeks for truth; he seeks the road to happiness, and what he ascertains, he gives to others.[/ete_vc_quote]

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