[ete_vc_introtext]Steven I. Dotson is my given name, but depending on what part of my life we may have crossed paths, I have gone by several names (Smoove, Kool Aid, Dap, Mr. CEO, or The Black CEO).[/ete_vc_introtext][ete_vc_dropcaps]I was born in Louisville, KY, but raised in Milwaukee, WI. For the past 20+ years I have resided in Atlanta, GA. I hold a Bachelor of Science from University of WI – Parkside and a Master of Information Technology from American Intercontinental University (AIU). I had the opportunity for one year to attend an HBCU (Central State University) where I made lifelong friendships and connections.[/ete_vc_dropcaps]

I.T. has been my passion since my early days of high school and I was drawn to it because of the many paths it offered me to escape Milwaukee and pursue a better life for myself.

But that’s me on the surface…

[ete_vc_quote author=”Me”]When you say “It’s hard”, it actually means “I’m not strong enough to fight for it”. Stop saying its hard. Think positive![/ete_vc_quote]

Aside from my career, I am also a father, son, entrepreneur, mentor, world traveler, and champion for Black excellence. Needless to say, there are many layers to me, and to unwrap those layers, allow me to start from the core and work my way out

Father – I didn’t have a relationship with my father growing up. My mother and I relocated to Milwaukee when I was 10 months, and because of frustrations I experienced in my youth, I became determined to change the narrative that Black fathers are absent in their children’s life; that’s why I am so involved and hands on in my daughter’s life. All I do and live for is to provide for her. I am her first expression of a man and I take the responsibility of shaping her image of a GREAT man seriously. She is my world and I shower her with so much love and experiences. The experience of traveling the world with her father is far more valuable than any material gift I could give her. She is my fire and motivation to succeed.

Son – I was raised by a single mother in a lower to middle class environment. My mother had a support system of other strong women, which included my grandmother and two aunts, and while she couldn’t afford to provide me with all the material things I wanted as a kid, my mother showered me with love – a love that has proven to be the greatest gift of all. Through her love, I learned how to be a great man, a great parent and have compassion for others.

Entrepreneur – They say that anyone can start a business by solving a problem , so out of necessity to never forget what I wore, I created Weekly Outfit Sorter. This business was my first taste of owning my own business and its success motivated me to create more.  Today, I am also the creator of Where You From Apparel, a popular customizable apparel line that gives myself and others a platform to proudly represent our past neighborhood, block or city.

Mentor – I have experienced several ups and downs in my life and I’ve made some bad decisions that took a while to recover from. Because of those life lessons, I feel a need to pass down what I learned the hard way to younger generation so they don’t make the same avoidable mistakes I made. Or at least help them navigate better through life, both tough times and good times.

World Traveler – Growing up my family didn’t have the finances to travel a lot. Our trips only consisted of visiting family in Louisville, KY or Grenada, MS. My first trip outside of those two places was Orlando, FL for my high school senior trip. My appreciation for traveling didn’t start until I graduated from undergrad and my first job required me to travel. But traveling for work and pleasure are completely different. I traveled so much for work, which consisted of long hours and no time to enjoy the cities, I began to dislike traveling. Now fast forward 10 years when I took my first international trip to London, for work also, but this time the company set aside the weekend for us to explore the city; this reenergized my love for traveling again. Since then I have traveled domestically and internationally, visiting such places as Cuba, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Amsterdam, and Paris to name a few. Traveling the world has opened my eyes to see that what is fed to us through the media about other countries is mostly false. I work to travel and see as much of the world as I can before I die.

Through this personal blog, you will get an opportunity to experience the world through my eyes. Like many people my age, I am entering a new phase in life. As we take this journey you will learn more about me as I learn more about myself. My goal is that you will be able to take something away that will motivate you, or maybe help you overcome obstacles, experience something new, or maybe just answer questions you have. Regardless of your takeaway…I look forward to sharing and taking this journey with you!